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I've become a member, now let’s work together to ensure our amazing community and country thrive. Count on my vote.
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If you prefer, feel free to call or text me at:
(226) 749-1079
Or email me at:
Kitchener-Conestoga boundaries include the townships of:
- Wellesley
- Wilmot
- Woolwich
- Parts of Kitchener west of Fischer-Hallman Road
Kitchener-Conestoga's riding boundaries will change in the spring of 2024.
Download the current district map from Elections Canada...
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CPC Candidate Nominee Vote:
To receive a ballot and vote for Carlene, you must be a member (with a current membership) at the time of the vote (potentially in summer or fall of 2024).
Voting location:
Voting date and time:
You will be notified with details if you are a member and have registered your intention to vote. Please ensure we have your email and phone number so we can alert you of the details. Please register today to receive more information as it becomes available.
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